One meeting down, a whole years worth to go! Seeing as how there has only been one meeting, there can't be any archived meeting minutes...but we'll keep you posted! Orion/Oxford Community Coilition Ok...heres the deal...we (teenagers) need to get more involved in the, Josh, Laura, and Alex, have all joined the Orion/Oxford Community Coilition. This is a great organaztion of concerned adults who are willing to make our cities great! One of their big goals is to increase teen membership, and eventually build a teen/youth center where we can hang out, grab a bite to eat, and screw around without paying a lot of money... Possible events for 2001-2002 Mc SADD days (2) Middle School SADD dance High School SADD dance State Police driving simulators SADD car Minutes - July 15, 2001 Christina Wolfe discussion New member shirts and $15 dues discussion Possible outings Talk about Orientation Discuss Website Officer elections - after first marking period |